Year of Yoga is for you if…
Year of Yoga is for you if…
You want to learn yoga to feel better in your body, but also for all the benefits you’ve heard it can offer your mind. You’ve probably practiced before, perhaps quite a bit, but you you are looking for MORE from your practice.
You feel stressed, overwhelmed, and burned out. Work and relationships are especially exhausting and you’re not even sure where to start to get a handle on all the areas that feel frustrating.
You are the best of the best in your field of work, but when it comes to your internal world, you are anxious, distracted, and have a few coping skills you aren’t exactly proud of.
You’ve been told you need to relax, take a vacation, or learn how to manage your stress, but taking extra time to care for yourself only sounds like more work. You don’t know where to start when it comes to self care, but you know you need it.
You want to be present at work and with your family. You can feel the communication and disconnect happening with the people you love and you are ready to do something about it. You know something has to change and you want to learn how to reconnect with yourself so you can reconnect with those you love and the things you were once passionate about!
The Year of Yoga was designed to make your self care routine a no brainer. With a daily yoga, meditation, and mindfulness practice you will never have to guess how to nourish YOU.
You will wake up each day to a new practice in your inbox to help you:
Regulate your nervous system (and better manage the stress response)
Decompress and relieve mental & physical tension
Feel strong, flexible, and balanced in your body
Stay present, calm, and clear minded throughout the day
Improve your emotional intelligence
We begin on January 1st!
You receive immediate access into The Virtual Yoga Studio.