Meditation Guide: Strengths & Weaknesses

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Find a place where you feel safe and comfortable. Turn on an alarm for two minute before you need to finish this meditation. This will help you relax and reduce the urge to check your phone for the time. I suggest giving yourself at least 10 minutes. Have paper and pen ready for notes.

Come to a seated position in a chair or on the floor. Have a water close to you. Sit up tall. Notice the ground beneath your body or your feet. Take three deep breaths. Watching your stomach rise and fall. Bring your awareness to the space where your rib cage meets in the front of your stomach.

Think it through, write it out, or speak it:

One of my strengths is that I ____________________.

I love that I (am) _____(insert strength listed above)_____

One of my weaknesses is __________________

I accept myself even when I (am) _____(insert weakness listed above)_____

Observe how your strength could also be a weakness __________________

I accept myself even when I (am) _____(insert strength listed above)_____

Observe how your weakness could also be a strength __________________

I love that I (am) _____(insert weakness listed above)_____

Throughout the day, notice your self talk. When do you feel proud of yourself? When do you feel down on yourself? Is there an opportunity to find strengths in your weaknesses and weaknesses in your strengths? Is there room to accept yourself fully? Exactly as you are? Without judgement?

Before you fall asleep tonight, think of one thing that you LOVE about yourself and fill in this sentence. “I am (thing you love about yourself). “ Repeat this three times in your own mind or write it down.

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Yoga and OCD