Be Selfish.

Ahimsa is the yogic principle meaning kindness. In line with the idea that we are all one, being kind to another means you are being kind to yourself.

For the exhausted, people pleasing leader out there, I would like to offer you a different way of looking at this.

Kindness towards yourself IS kindness towards all.

When you’re burned out, over worked, and exhausted, refusing to set and keep boundaries because you want to serve others, is a good way to turn into a burden to those closest to you. When you don’t take of you, those closest to you have to carry the weight of your self neglect.

If you find yourself burned out from over giving, but struggling to come out of it because you feel like you should be able to do it and heck, you should be able to do more

Consider this…

When you are kind to yourself, you are kind to everyone. When you take care of leading yourself with emotional intelligence, rest, fun, relaxation, and health, no one else has to carry the burden of you.

Prioritizing yourself is the least selfish thing you can do today.

Want to practice ahimsa? Start with saying yes to what you actually want to do. Be kind to YOU first.

- Kasidy


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