Embrace Your Humanity

What I really mean is, embrace your blahhhhh, your bullshit, your mess, AND your peace, your passion, your pleasure, your delight, your joy.

Because here’s the deal, it’s not going anywhere.

The discomfort of the things you don’t love about this human experience isn’t going to disappear.

Can you lessen it? Yes.

Can you do the work? Yes.

Can it get better? Yes.

Can you heal it? Yes.

And will you still have days where you just feel completely HUMAN with all its ups and downs and twists and turns? Yes.

Does that make you less spiritual? No.

Does that make you less self disciplined? No.

Does that make you weak? Broken? No.

Does that mean it can’t change? This part is up to you.

Embracing your humanity does not mean you have to stay in the mess or keep recreating the same thing that’s making you feel like sh*t.

But daydreaming about how you could have done it better or plotting how you will do it better next time will only be a theory until the moment comes. And when the moment comes, you have a choice. Change happens in the moment.

Give yourself an extra dose of love today, stay consistent and committed to the journey, and remember….

You get to be fully human, madly in love with the journey, AND want to become more of who you know you can be at your finest.

It can be both/and.

It can all add up to a beautiful existence.

Embracing your humanity means loving yourself through the shame, staying committed to growth, and making the choice to keep going.

You got this!

I love you… and from one fellow not perfect human to another.




Yoga for High Performers


Be Selfish.