I got stressed last month…

I got stressed last month.

It was one week into sharing about Year of Yoga, my biggest project and promotion of the year and I started freaking out.

I know… few teachers and mentors will tell you about their most recent struggles, but I think it’s important that you know:

  1. I’m human and I’m not a neuroscientist or therapist. Everything I’m sharing is from lived experience.

    I have amazing training in trauma informed yoga and mindfulness, but my best lessons have come from being a people pleasing over achiever who was too busy to make time for herself, burned out at her dream job way too young and had to dig her way through self healing because therapy and medicine only made things worse.

    I’m scrappy, y’all.

    The lessons I share, I have tasted. So when you come to me and say “I don’t know how I’m going to get through this.” I actually understand, but I also know DEEEEEPLY that you can and you will get through it.

    I believe in how POWERFUL you are and what you’re capable of, but I know it often doesn’t come through trying harder - which our type tend to rely on.

  2. The yoga keeps working, at every level of stress.

    Here’s what I mean… I knew the yoga worked for stress and anxiety when it was just me and a dream.

    I knew the yoga worked for stress and anxiety when I got a promotion and started managing a team at work.

    I knew the yoga worked for stress and anxiety when I went through a divorce.

    I knew the yoga worked for stress and anxiety when I decided to leave my corporate (very cush) day job and start my own business.

    I knew the yoga worked for stress and anxiety when I fell in love and remarried.

    I knew the yoga worked for stress and anxiety through SO MANY THINGS…

    And now, I am finding out that the yoga works for stress and anxiety when you are pregnant with a business. But last month I found out. FOR REAL. Not just in theory, I got stressed and I put yoga to the test again.

But this is not my first rodeo…

I have studied my brain and I knew this would happen. I even prepared for it (something I will teach you in depth how to do inside Year of Yoga).. So here’s what happened —

I noticed the anxiety was rising - I was in the middle of a project I care deeply about, can you relate?

And my brain started thinking up worse case scenarios - I won’t bore you with the details, but my worse case scenarios always end with me dying (which will literally happen to everyone eventually). How do your worse case scenarios end?

I could feel myself getting short with the people I love — and blaming them in my head for my stress. LOL, this is always a big red flag to me because the people I love are amazing and my life is not their responsibility in any way. Let that sink in ;)

^^^ So the first thing that happened is I just had to become aware of it. And then I could do something about it.

Here’s what I did —

  1. I’ve been on a solo 90 day yoga challenge, so it was easy to see, I could feel almost immediately when I got off my internal center.

  2. I didn’t shame myself for the stress, I acknowledged it and actually let myself feel it. (this is important - stress is not bad)

  3. I moved my body. This is the part we usually call yoga, but you will soon learn, it’s all yoga. I got on my mat and did a practice.

  4. I meditated. I did not sit there and continue to overthink and create more worse case scenarios. I focused on my breath and as fears came up — I looked them in the eyes and then remembered who tf I am. (this takes a massive level of self belief, which I will also be teaching you inside Year of Yoga)

  5. I laughed (after I cried).

The thing about moving this kind of energy through your body & mind is that it wants to get out, but so often we ignore it, shame it, push it aside until a more convenient time and it BUILDS.

And you wonder why you never feel present with your family and can’t relax without a drink.

Was that too direct?

Remember, I only speak from experience.

This is all with love to say —

It’s normal to get stressed…

The faster you accept that, the faster you will be open to finding the right solution for you.

Yoga has worked for my 400+ students, many of those were private students who I got to see completely transform from overwhelmed to the most peaceful people I know right before my eyes. Many corporate clients who have followed up to let me know just how powerful yoga has become in having a mindful career.

In Year of Yoga, you will learn exactly how to use yoga to create a consistent stress management practice, lead your unique brain through the highs and lows, and create massive self confidence and personal belief.

There are 2 days left to join Year of Yoga.

I am so excited for you and the UNSHAKEABLE PEACE that you are creating for yourself, your work, and your life!


The gift of YOGA!!


How to create a consistent yoga practice….