Creating From Love. An Exercise in Mindfulness + Manifestation.

Grab your journal or a piece of paper and join me for a short mindfulness and manifestation practice.

At the top of your page, write down your name and one thing you love about yourself. Don’t overthink it, just write the first thing that comes to your mind.

Below that, write down 5 things (think noun — person, place, thing) you love that are currently in your life.

Write down three things next two each of the five you wrote down above. These three things are going to be words to describe why you love that thing.


Kasidy — my green eyes

  1. Matt — kind, funny, supportive

  2. Our home — warm, comfy, open

  3. Yoga — connection, rest, freedom

  4. My new wallet — luxurious, soft, strong

  5. Our cozy couch — holds, relaxing, cuddles

Now write down five things you want in your life that you don’t have yet. Write three things next to each item of why you want this.


  1. G Wagon - transportation, beautiful, luxurious

  2. More sleep - rest, refreshed, youthfulness

  3. Bulldog - nostalgic, adorable, funny

  4. Yoga Retreat - strength, wisdom, healing

  5. …. I could only think of 4 ….

Now look inwards for a moment, maybe even close your eyes.

Notice how your three “whys” next to each words are already in you and in your life.


  1. transportation, beautiful, luxurious — My Chevy Equinox and it’s seat heaters that I live for!

  2. rest, refreshed, youthfulness — The long baths I get to take at my leisure

  3. nostalgic, adorable, funny — daily reels of bulldogs that Matt sends me

  4. strength, wisdom, healing — time with family and my personal yoga practice

Give thanks for what already is available.

Consider this — how does the person who has the things you want, how does she/he show up for herself/himself and others each day? Don’t look at others who have this for the answer, look inward. How would you need to show up?

What’s one small action you can take today to receive the things you want?

Let me know how it goes!

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Inner Abundance.

