How I handle great days.
No one is talking about how to handle the really amazing days. Where everything is just really really good. Where you are nearly speechless from the bliss.
I find myself not wanting to ruin the moment with words.
Ease is so misunderstood. We long for it until it comes and so often once it’s here we question its validity.
You may find yourself trying to explain it away or rush to find a new problem to fix. But here it stays, the amazing moment of bliss. Calling you deeper into its embrace. Wanting to hold you as long as you’ll allow it.
It’s in these moments, I find it most helpful to practice presence.
To practice awareness of this very breath.
Allow yourself to feel it all.
Anchor into gratitude… knowing there is only more to come.
Observe the fears… and only you know yours. My go - to is waiting for the other shoe to drop. But darling, there are no shoes dropping… there is just life and how we choose to respond to it.
Bring your awareness back to the moment… the bliss, the expansion and contraction of this beautiful existence.
And let it be good. Without justifying why or how or when or what. Simply allow the goodness to overflow.