Play More, Stress Less

You’re the one who reaches her goals, always. That’s a no-brainer.

But you get home and it’s impossible to wind down, relax, and sleep through the night.

Your morning routine is on point, you only eat healthy, and you exercise daily, so what’s the deal with the stress??

Chances are, you’re forgetting play time.

Adding play into your day will not only reduce stress during work hours, but it will make it easier to relax at home and when you are spending time with people you love.

Adding another “healthy habit” that makes your to-do list longer is not the point. Choose a hobby or friends to see each week that make you laugh, remind you who you are outside of work, and inspire joy.

This will actually help you sleep better and bonus side effect… you will have more fun reaching your goals.

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How I handle great days.


More than a mindset.