Is happiness a myth?

Happiness isn't a myth, but I do believe it's a story line.

I woke up in a funk. Yesterday was full of misplaced words, regressed emotions, and shame filled inner dialogue.

It did not feel like a new day when I woke up.

And then....

I found some old pictures. They reminded me of the most magical memories (you may have caught yesterdays with @kimedp ) and my heart leaped. The joy returned, the negativity washed away, I quite literally feel like a new woman.

In a moment, from a few pictures.

Now, the reality is, life was no walk in the park during those memories. It's not like that was bliss and I had no complaints. But as I look back, those days were absolutely, pure, delight!

As humans, we experience all the emotions. As women, we sometimes experience them all at once, flooding around and swarming our space.

So how do we create the story line we want? We give attention to what we want to grow.

Instead of focusing on the trauma, sadness, and anger, endlessly unpacking the pain...

We focus on what we desire more of...

We water the grass (emotions) we want to grow.

And that is how in 5 minutes, one can go from a total funk to an abundant flow.

Water happiness and watch it grow...

This is what we do in Peaceful Leadership - rewrite the story, create more happiness in all areas. Let's keep it simply and fun... a few tools to create exactly what you desire.

Today is the last day to preregister. Full details comes out tomorrow when the price goes to full price. If you know you're in, here the link (available in bio as well) -


Anxious Leader


Yoga for the Mind