Yoga for the Mind

What I create from overflow just feels different.

When I know there is more than enough - love, connection, impact, finances, beauty....

The opportunity and potentiality becomes a fun game with myself.

Rather than creating for survival, I create for possibility.

I consider my wildest dreams and simply put one foot in front of the other.

And when the temptation for lack rises, I root into the earth that never stops flourishing with resources to care for me. I let the sun pour love over my body and bring me back to life. I find my breath in the storm of chaos. I remember the power holding me all together. My power. My peace. My abundance.

And I rest.

There is no lack. There is opportunity.

This is Yoga for the mind.

Happiness isn’t an accident. We create it on purpose.

In Peaceful Leadership, you learn how to live from the overflow of pure bliss.

Full details to come April

Preregistration is open -


Is happiness a myth?


I Create My Reality