
A word most leaders don’t allow themselves to embrace.

But what if I told you, when you relax you actually improve your —

  1. mental clarity

  2. creativity

  3. ability to lead (your business, family, friends, community, team….)

  4. stamina to make it for the long haul

  5. impact among your followers

  6. decision making ability

  7. listening skills

  8. willingness to delegate + wisdom to delegate effectively

  9. efficiency

  10. chronic pain, headaches, and inability to sleep

That’s right. Ten reasons for you to relax. To slow down. To take it easy.

But where do you start?

You’ve been going like this forever. Chronic stress has become your silent curse.

Not anymore.

Here’s what you do ——

  1. get more sleep

  2. take your sick days, vacation days, and mental health days

  3. take off everything from your schedule that isn’t in line with your values (yes, you still have to do the dishes)

  4. incorporate yoga into your weekly schedule (schedule your complimentary class with me, here!)

  5. take time to laugh. planned or spontaneous, be around people that make you belly laugh

  6. notice what activities drain your energy — is that Netflix marathon leaving you more exhausted?

  7. be nicer to yourself. the negative mental chatter isn’t serving you

Here is your permission to chill out. For your health.

Join me for a complimentary yoga + meditation class, schedule here.

You’ll also receive your unique stress management strategy & have all your questions answered about working with me 1:1 to increase your impact and live your purpose, without sacrificing your peace.

See you soon!


Today You Rise


Finding Your Calm