Today You Rise

Not because you have to or because you are being forced, guilted, or manipulated to do so.

Today you rise because it’s who you are.

In the face of “there’s just too much,” you choose again to step up to the plate.

But how? “I have nothing left to give.”

So you give that. You give your nothing as an offering. A reminder. A call to more.

You allow your “nothing left to give” to be a reminder that something has to change.

Sometimes rising up looks like charging ahead.

But for the stressed out, overwhelmed, tired, burned out man or woman who doesn’t know how they are going to keep going… rising up looks like allowing yourself to finally see that something has to change.

Today, rising up may look for you like, letting go, delegating, having a difficult conversation, protecting your boundaries.

Rising up isn’t about pulling yourself up by your bootstraps and powering through. Rising up is about pausing and choosing to care for you.

How are you rising up to care for YOU today?

Ready to make lasting change in your self perception, stress management strategy, actions, and communication? Ready to up level your confidence to have the impact you truly desire? To lead from love and peace?

Schedule your introduction call with me here — Peaceful Leader Intro Call

You will walk away at peace, clear on your next step, and ready to rise up for YOU. Because you deserve it.


Strong Self Image

