Who Do You Want To Be?

Spending endless hours trying to figure out WHY you are the way you are isn’t going to help you BE who you want to be (today or in the future)…

It’s important to look at the root cause of symptoms, but spending years uncovering painful things is only going to retraumatize you.

If you want to create something new for yourself.. if you want to be someone new…

You have to start looking ahead.

You can borrow my 4 favorite journal prompts to consider when focusing on creating something new in your life.

  1. Who do I want to be?

  2. Why do I want to be this?

  3. How do I want to become this?

  4. What one small action can I take today?

For example…

  1. Who do I want to be? I want to be a calm and confident business owner.

  2. Why do I want to be this? I want to be this so I can serve others, provide for myself and my family, and enjoy time freedom.

  3. How do I want to become this? I want to become this in a fun and relaxing way. I want to handle stress with ease and grace.

  4. What one small action can I take today? Have fun while I work (play music, take dance breaks, laugh with my fiance when he gets home before getting back to work)

It really can be that easy. Yes, therapy is good, but it’s not required to create a new pattern for your life.

The Peaceful Leadership group opens in September, join the waitlist here + start receiving tips for creating more peace in your life today - https://www.marinabayyoga.com/peaceful-leadership-waitlist




How to follow through when you want to quit.


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