yoga for when you hate exercise

Am I the only one who grew up hating exercise?

I see now it was a belief system I was carrying. Somewhere along the way, I started believing I wasn’t good at it, therefore, I didn’t want to try. And when I did try, I complained. Which only made me hate it.

When I started practicing yoga, I was doing it to help my stomach pain, but fast forward a few months when I returned to the States, I was doing it to feel good in my body.

Somewhere along the yoga practice way, I actually started to enjoy sweating, feeling sore in my muscles after a difficult practice, and looking forward to the next time I would get to do it.

Anyone who knew me before that time, knows how much I did not enjoy working out. I did it, all the time. I knew it was good for me. But I did it begrudgingly.

Here I am a year or so after starting my practice, looking forward to my next sweat sesh. Weird.

So what the heck changed? How did I catch feelings so hard for yoga of all things?

I’m convinced it’s for the following reasons. And I want you to really listen to these reasons. Because if you hate exercise and the following sounds interesting to you, yoga might just be your sport.

  • low impact (less shocking to the body)

  • non weight bearing (a great introduction to movement)

  • actively engaging your mind (aka less time to feel bored)

  • mindfulness at it’s core, so mental health challenges, anxiety, depression, confusion, and stress have a harder time sticking around

  • breath practice, which is a mindfulness practice, helps you stay present on and off the mat

  • spiritual in nature, providing an opportunity to feel connected to something bigger than yourself

  • stress reducing, you leave feeling better than when you got their

  • child’s pose…. there is always an option to participate at your own pace

  • non judgement (no one is looking at you to compare or compete)

Now, I love moving my body. I know it’s medicine and it’s the medicine I need daily to calm my nervous system, have healthy relationships, and live the peaceful, purposeful life I love.

But it started by showing up that first day. As a beginner. No experience. Ready to learn if it really could work for me.

And it did.

I would love to lead you through a 30 minute introductory class to help you experience the physical & mental benefits of this movement medicine.

Schedule your complimentary consult here.

xoxo Kasidy


An Exercise in Mindfulness


depression + yoga