Reduce Unnecessary Stress

Are you sick of this picture yet?

I found myself stressing about having new pictures to pair with my words of encouragement.

So I removed the stressor by giving you a little smile everyday.

It sounds cheesy, I know. But sometimes we make life more complicated than it needs to be.

Some things causing us stress can be eliminated with a 2 second decision.

Making decisions quickly, will build confidence and will silence the chaos and doubt.

It’s easier to steer a moving ship. Make a decision and stick to it long enough to evaluate.

Maybe it turns out great, maybe it’s a flop. You can’t know either way until you decide.

The faster you decide, the faster you get results, can evaluate, and make adjustments.

Listen, I have been there!! I used to pray about which shampoo to buy. I couldn’t decide what to eat for dinner. I would take hours deciding what to wear.

Completely unnecessary stress. All you have is this moment and you’re going to make a decision in an instant anyways.

How can you simply your life today by just deciding? How can you simplify your life today by streamlining?

You got this! Happy Friday Sunshine ☀️

Want to know more about how I reduce stress in my life? Schedule a consultation here


I still get stressed, y’all.


The End of an Era