No one is you.
Tucked in the corner of a dimly lit coffee shop with my matcha donut, dry cortado, and hungry sparrows fluttering around, I’m undone with gratitude.
Too often I have lived in survival, wearing busy like a badge of honor and tired like a gold seal of approval.
As I exhale into the hardwood bleachers that overlook picnic tables and string lights, I’m reminded of the tiny moments that led to this one.
The tiny choices to prioritize my health. To stop neglecting my desires. To let go of self judgement.
It all seemed so small in the moment, would it even matter or make a difference.
But here I sit, free of the judgmental mind games, at ease with who I am and what I know I need.
That not so surprisingly doesn’t look like anyone else’s needs, because I’m not anyone else.
And neither are you.
The intricate make up of our existence and learning how to work with that design instead of against it, this is how I create the life I love. This is how I reach my goals and see my dreams come true.
This Sunday in The Strong Series, you’ll learn how to listen to your inner voice to accomplish your greatest desires.
Especially when the way everyone else is doing it, isn’t working for you.
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