No More Food Rules
The problem isn’t the food you’re eating. It’s not your protein or carb intake. It’s not the amount of sugar and cream in your coffee.
It’s not that you’re not exercising or that you aren’t “doing enough” cardio or “lifting enough” heavy weights.
The problem is your mindset. But you know that.
The reason you aren’t seeing results with your physical health goals is because you haven’t addressed your mental health. At least not in the way it wants you to.
On one hand, yes, your calorie intake vs. your calorie output greatly effects your size and shape, but how do you decide to make those changes?
Is it accountability from another person? Is it shame or guilt? Is it restriction? Is it binging? Why do you make the changes some days only to go back to your old habits the next? What leads you back into old patterns?
Of course to build muscle, you have to use the muscles and let them rebuild, we know that. So what’s keeping you from doing it? Why haven’t you seen the lasting results you were promised?
It’s your mindset. Your thinking is creating your reality. And you can’t change a thinking problem with a set of rules. The restriction may work for a season, but the moment the accountability goes away, if you haven’t built the mindset, you are right back where you started.
Maybe that’s why you’ve read this far. You know the restriction doesn’t work. In fact, you may believe nothing will ever work.
But what if changing your perspective on food worked like a charm…. Every. Single. Time.
And it worked with freedom from a set of rules. It worked from learning and trusting yourself. It worked from abundance rather than lack?
Our brain’s specific relationship with food was built over time and has many layers to it. This cannot all be uncovered with a macro plan from google. Trust me, I’ve tried.
When you change your thoughts about food, you will see lasting results. You will get to your goal weight, goal shape, goal strength without the shame that comes with yo-yo dieting.
A common misconception is that yoga is only physical exercise, the poses and stretches the body moves through. The truth is, yoga has many components that make it up, all of which train your body, mind, and soul to live in alignment. Trusting each other. Trusting yourself.
In my yoga course, you will not only learn how to touch your toes (if that’s your goal) or do headstands (if that’s your goal), you’ll learn how to trust yourself again. You’ll learn how to sit in discomfort and breathe through the resistance. You’ll learn how to feel your emotions without shame.
You’ll learn how to enjoy food without fear.
You’ll learn how to love every single part of you.
This is what the yoga I teach is all about.
I am providing complimentary one to one yoga classes where I will teach you yoga for your body and mind, you will receive a custom plan to reach your specific body goals, and you’ll get all of your questions answered about how to work with me to reach those goals. This is not a sales call, please come prepared for 30 minutes of yoga.
Schedule HERE using code: myhealthmatters
PS: This is not a mindset course or one size fits all diet. This is a custom plan to help you learn to love and trust yourself again, or maybe for the first time.
- Kasidy Kersey, yoga teacher