Stop waiting for your next vacation to get some rest.

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Dread sets in as you take your seat in yet another zoom meeting.

Overwhelm about how many decisions you’ll have to make today. Decisions that will greatly impact the lives around you. Decisions you used to love making now feel like a cage.

You get lost in a thought, wondering how you got here in the first place. This is what you worked tirelessly for years to accomplish and now all you can think about is sipping a frozen cocktail poolside.

But you love your work. You snap back and realize your video is on and everyone is waiting for you to speak.

You spend the remainder of the day wondering if it’s time to plan a vacation, a little get away. You book a trip and tell the family, but that doesn’t ease the dread. You’ll go on vacation and come back to the same decisions needing to be made. The same meetings to be had. The same weight of the company on your shoulders.

Vacations are great, but they don’t solve the underlying problem.

Your stress looms because your mind is racing to the next moment or replaying the past.

The ego is concerned about your reputation built from yesterdays decisions. The ego is concerned about success or failure of tomorrow’s decisions.

When the ego sees time as an obstacle, this present moment as something to get you to the next, as a means to an end, there will be stress, frustration, and unrest.

It’s only by being fully in this moment that you will find rest.

Rest won’t come from enough sleep, though that might make it easier. Rest won’t come from a perfect schedule, though that may free up time temporarily. Rest won’t come from isolation and not “having to deal with other people.” Rest won’t even come from the perfect poolside cocktail.

Rest happens when you are here. In this moment. Without attachment to the results or outcome.

Rest happens when you stop seeing situations as good or bad. Rest happens when judgement ends.

Schedule your consultation here to learn how you can work with me to build a life of inner peace. One that lasts longer than a two week vacation.

-Kasidy Kersey


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The Path to Peace