Instead of coke, try…
Zoning out to the lulling sound of the tv.
Wishing you had energy to get that pre pandemic body back. Or at least the pre pandemic energy.
I get it.
The last year and a half all your extra energy has been put towards holding things together for everyone else.
Learning new technology. Setting up new systems. Layoffs, restaffing, so many zoom meetings.
Just making it to the end of the day without a second cup of coffee sounds like a fantasy world.
What you need is not another source of caffeine. You don’t have an energy problem. You have a stress problem.
Your body is holding all the stress your mind has taken on over the last couple years and it’s going to keep storing it unless there’s a release.
Because this is usually unconscious in high achievers, it can feel as though you lost your youthful energy over night.
Here’s what you need to do…
More cocaine.
No, I’m kidding. What you need to do is
I know it’s the last thing you want to do when you’re exhausted, but it’s the way to regain the energy you once had.
After the first week, you’ll notice your body bouncing back, full of energy and life.
Don’t wait until you have “time and energy” to get moving. Those excuses got you here in the first place.
Take a walk on your lunch break or host a meeting in the office gym. Offer to take the dogs for a walk or shoot, schedule a yoga class!
Remember, YOU get to make the rules. You’re the ultimate problem solver. Plan it right now and get it done today.
For your health.
It matters.
Interested in working with me one to one to reach your physical and mindfulness goals? Schedule a consult here!