Strong Self Image

As a leader, you were taught the structures to implement, the difficult conversations to have, to work overtime constantly.

But rarely are leaders taught about self image. I’m not talking about how other people see you. I’m talking about how YOU see you. When you look in the mirror, when you think about yourself, when you work towards goals… how do you feel about you?

Today, I invite you to write down 10 things you like about yourself. 10 reasons you are great at what you do (career, job, family, friends, any category). 10 things you have learned over the last year. 10 ways you’ve grown over the last year. And finally, 10 thing that bring you joy.

Now head to the mirror and say these things to yourself. Practice looking into your own eyes as you say them.

Our self image is built over time. Sometimes one monumental event can shape our self image in a way we could have never guessed. That doesn’t mean it will take years or be exhausting to reform.

Here is where you start —

you thoughts.

Get curious & compassionate with yourself. Start to notice your thoughts.

How do your thoughts make you feel? Do you like that feeling? What would it feel like to choose new thoughts?

To choose thoughts like the ones you came up with and spoke to yourself in the mirror.

This is just a taste of what we deep dive into during Peaceful Leadership. The yoga & mindfulness mentorship for leaders, parents, business owners, and bosses ready to increase impact and decrease stress. Schedule your complimentary consultation here —




Today You Rise