The Best Results Happen Here.

The best results happen when no one else is watching.

The best results happen on the days when you want to quit, but you keep going anyway.

The best results happen when you stay on track, even when it doesn’t feel good.

The difference between those who see results in my world and those who don’t are defined by the above.

Who you are when no one is asking if you’re doing it.

Who you are when you could get away with cheating yourself.

Who you are when you show up for you first.

It’s not because these people are better, it’s because they have a resolve that runs deeper than the circumstances of life.

The challenge… most of us were not taught how to do this.

We were allowed to give up too soon.

And run away when things got hard.

And back down if we didn’t think we would win.

We got comfortable with showing up just as little less, so we wouldn’t disappoint ourselves (or someone else) if we didn’t win.

The yoga practice builds an unshakeable resolve in its practitioners.

Because when you arrive on your mat, the only one you have to face is yourself.

And it’s here, face to face with you, that you find you are made of even more determination than you ever knew possible.

It’s here on the mat you find out …

You rise up, even when no one else is watching and even when it doesn’t feel good.

Even when all odds are against you and you want to quit, you keep going anyway.

You will never cheat yourself. You will always show up for YOU first.

If you’re looking for a community of people who are ready to cheer you on as you create your best results yet, join us in The Marina Bay Yoga Virtual Membership!

Where you find the best results on your mat!

See you there,



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